Chapter 1: Scope and General1.1 Purpose and Scope
1.2 Terminology
1.3 Classification of Signs
1.4 Application and Permit
1.4.1 Requirement of Permit
1.4.2 Exemptions
1.4.3 Application for Permit
1.4.4 Condition for Grant of Permit
1.4.5 Sanction or Refusal of Permit
1.4.6 Application for Alteration of Sign
1.4.7 Existing Signs
1.5 Unsafe and Unlawful Signs
1.5.1 Responsibility of the Owner
1.5.2 Notice of the Authority
1.5.3 Prohibited Signs
1.6 Restrictions
1.6.1 Restricted Sign Zone
1.6.2 Prohibition of Advertisement
1.6.3 Signs on Highways and Roads
1.6.4 Illuminated Displays
1.7 Maintenance and Inspections
1.7.1 Maintenance
1.7.2 Inspection
1.8 Location Restrictions
1.9 Projection over Public Property
1.10 Clearance from Power lines
Chapter 2: General Requirements
2.1 Design
2.1.1 Loads
2.1.2 Design Consideration
2.2 Construction
2.2.1 Use of Materials
2.2.2 Use of Combustible Materials
2.2.3 Anchorage
2.2.4 Display Surfaces
2.2.5 Approved Plastics
2.2.6 Draining Arrangements
2.3 Use of Glass in Signs
2.4 Servicing Devices
2.5 Interference By Signs
2.6 Hours of Operations
Chapter 3: Specific Requirements for Various Types of Signs
3.1 Electric Signs
3.1.1 Materials
3.1.2 Location
3.1.3 Installation
3.1.4 Illumination
3.1.5 Operational Hours
3.2 Ground Sign
3.2.1 Material
3.2.2 Height
3.2.3 Design
3.2.4 Clearance
3.2.5 Visual obstruction
3.3 Roof Signs
3.3.1 Material
3.3.2 Design
3.3.3 Clearance
3.3.4 Projection
3.4 Projecting Signs
3.4.1 Material
3.4.2 Design
3.4.3 Height and Clearance
3.4.4 Projection
3.4.5 Attachment
3.4.6 Visual obstruction
3.5 Fin Signs
3.5.1 Material
3.5.2 Design
3.5.3 Clearance
3.6 Balcony Signs
3.6.1 Materials
3.6.2 Location
3.6.3 Size
3.6.4 Projection
3.7 Marquee Signs
3.7.1 Materials
3.7.2 Size
3.7.3 Clearance
3.8 Combination Signs
3.9 Temporary Signs
3.9.1 Size
3.9.2 Duration
3.9.3 Support
3.9.4 Location
3.9.5 Projection
3.10 Additional Guidelines for Signs in Urban and Rural Areas
3.11 Environmental Graphics and Graphics for Universal Accessibility for Cityscape
APPENDIX A: Application for Permit to Erect or Alter Outdoor Signs